Seventh-Day Adventist Church Obite Presents Daniel series 

Nde'we Ali' wo'ri-ma'ye Ali'

Iwe' Ka'kwe' N'de M'ba!

IN a small Town that becomes Great and Migthy One.

There grew up a Great  and Migthy young man out  who stands for the town from when it was known to be small, and he was small, and the  grow as he grows, and consciousness revives amongst many lamps as they are shining...

Obite Gas  Plant Landlord Youth ELECO 2020

Egi City PDP ward 8

The great Ward with great voting strength in Rivers State.

Gives strength and mandates to the new ward executive officer yesterday-27th, September 2020.

The said strength and mandates is the fact the ward has to maintain peace and love amongst many other positive and encouraging advice from the ward dignitaries amidst the gathering.

5°14'05.5"N 6°39'34.8"E,6.659676&hl=en&gl=us

That land is for sale in Ogbogwu 900k (140ft by 80ft) negotiable, owner want it sold in a week from now. we are into property management and procurement...

This land is for Sale at Obite
Near Ogbogwu

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