Explained in the 23 Beliefs of DAP 
AKA Voodoo For Christ

Initially, we were only Pioneers, we are now Divine Advent Pioneers. We are set to proclaim the Gospel traditionally, culturally, naturally hence the nick name - Voodoo Church for Christ. 

In one sense, voodoo is no different from other religions – followers appeal to divine powers to assure their success in life. But Christian missionaries don’t see it that way.

I stand out with a difference, in the sense that I am baptized in the name of Christ, and accept the faith of Christ as the center of all that is alive based on the fact that he overcame death and assures me that I can beat it too, how about you? 

I have established a voodoo Church for Christ. We are Africans, nothing can change that reality. The Europeans brought Christianity with mixture of their traditional beliefs, I decided to filter out the European tradition and replace it with African tradition, with clear application of Paul's fact - (should we continue in sin that grace may abound?). 

In Africa, there is no room for nonsense, our tradition in Ogba is bound by Ncha`surh - white, meaning keep it clean and the stain visible which implies purity in divinity, therefore, evil is no mate with us as we expose it to the light to stray away from our dwelling. 

We live by and for the light. Now that we have the light - Christ, we appreciate and embrace him to illuminate every darkness around the corner of our dwelling. We have long expected him, to preach him to my people is the purpose of my life existence. 

Non can stop us, just as non could stop him-Christ from fulfilling the purpose of his life existence. 

Intention to stop us is stopping your own existence and everything you live and die for.

Join us as we lead the way to eternity through Christ traditionally.

Nudity was the Nature of humanity, but acceptance of lie for slavery made us loose that glorious cloth, still, for love God gave us material clothing which could not help our disgrace but he also made provision of a saviour for the transformation and salvation of our soul.

Join us in Divine Advent Pioneers to begin to prepare for yourself a glorious cloth that will never won out and will never let you do disgraceful things, but possess character that will glorify your father in heaven.


This is a section that is set aside for evangelical works we. have also seen it as a basic necessity to take initiative in proclamation of the gospel to every ones life.
Now lets bring it home, our main aim is to 'spread the gospel message' in our generation, because that is our greatest commission. In this section, exposition of life changing experience, even in the course of studying is displayed and to inculcate into the mind and entail good morals.


In this section, members of the religion will engage in programs and activities that will bring the public closer to God. However, member,staff,investor, or student, of this organisation shall
1. Be willing to learn from the holy scripture,
2. Create Godly awareness to the public,
3. Engage themselves in Door to Door evangelism,
...and other outdoor activities, physically and online.
Physically here we imply home visitation and talk to our gospel friends, the real truth about this gospel message we intend to share.


This section is considered to be the most crucial of them all and thus, is set up to actualise the aim of helping the public, elevate them of some certain perceptions and feelings.
In this section there is room for everyone both old and young, rich or poor every one gets to feel and take part in the endless love of their creator.Often times, people are faced with life challenging and threatening experiences which have made them withdraw their attention from God, and usually feel their existence do not matter to God or that they hold no importance in the sight of God that is why, this section is set up to meet the needs of such people.
We se the possibility of bringing in to mind - the true nature of God for a hidden and an active Christian to be the same, isn't it?
When faced with such issue as discernment, we are definitely faced with the decision to choose between God's wisdom which is already in us or our own perceived ideas which is sure to perish without the glory of God.
In order to reach out without bounds, God is first here before, now, and ever.


Members of this organisation, ie the students and staffs are grouped in sections and a leader is elected from each of this group and will be assigned a task to at least win 2 souls in a week.They may decide to go to different communities to carry out this exercise or just stay in a particular community but, in different areas. Groups will be charged with different responsibilities like
1. sharing of tracks, before this exercise will take place members of the group will be aware about tracks that is to be distributed where they undergo series of study about the information they are to give out to the public for better understanding and propagation of the gospel.
2. community service & impact. This is an outdoor program that is carried out by members of this group, they go out to the community with working materials to clean either markets, playground or civic centers.they may decide to visit a particular set of people in the community, like the aged ones, widows, orphans, the motherless, fatherless and spend some time with them.


-They might even decide to go along with some affordable food items, and clothing as well as other things,
-They share their problems with them, they open up to one another through this avenue,
-They get to know their problems, and help proffer solution in any little way they can.
Through this way they also get to tell them about their saviour, how he died for their sins and how he loves and cares for them,this will make them feel a sense of importance to God and the people around them. By constant visit the "theory of negligence will be replaced with that of importance".

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