The Seventh-Day Adventist Church has all it takes to guide it's member to Christ in writing and sermon, and to some extent in kind, but poorly in character of the already existing members, as many believe in the syndrome of "never mind what I do, but believe what I say". 

I believe that I have learned from the best, and I want my character in the footsteps I make to deliver the gospel message of Christ before my words would preach it, because of this my decision I was discriminated against by my relatives, and best friends whom have made themselves my worst enemies, for this reason in my locality, I have decided to live the Church to establish another Church (Divine Advent Pioneers) as my calling to serve God is not to sit in the congregation as a Church member but to serve as a guiding leader who must set a great pace. 

To discover more, go to Divine Advent Pioneers.... The initial writings of Godwin Obulor Kelvin...

The Seventh-Day Adventist Church Obite under the leadership of the district postor - Pastor Kingsley, and the church first elder - Elder Benjamin, has organized a thrilling and life changing program - titled  Daniel series. This in-house motivational and revival program is designed to be delivered live on Facebook while it is ongoing in the church auditorium. The Pastor had to feature the three choir of the church branches in the community, namely: Obite church (headquarter), Mbogwe Church (organized), Jireh Sanctuary (branch Sabbath school). Yesterday, the book of Daniel chapter 4 was inculcated into the mind of the participants, however, interested persons can benefit from this fascinating series any day and or anytime, from around the globe, during or after the program in as much as it is live online. The direct Facebook page has been posted tonight. But to be part of this program, kindly search for Seventh-Day Adventist Church Obite on Facebook book.


c/o dVb...!

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