My Earnest Prayer

1. I kneel before thee, "O" Lord, setting myself onto thee, beseeching that you speak to me. 

I want to be with you, use me to show and tell the world your greatness even by preaching the gospel with my whole heart, body, and soul by the power of your holy Spirit.

Lord, I am faithfully sure, I have all it takes to proclaim thy love and overcome all the fiery darts of the evil one, because your image is in me and your Holy Spirit is here to convince the heart of sin and comfort them that come or run to you.

That's why I want to be liberated to fulfill the purpose of my life existence in order not to panic, but to stand, not to fear, but to be bold, to subdue and command the power of darkness to be bound. 

Lord, use me to defeat the devil in my household, community, area, and every where I will be at every given time.

2. Heavenly Father, let your Holy Spirit always reveal to me thy divine wisdom, teach me and direct my footsteps in ways of righteousness, and comfort me when the going gets tough, but tough  person (God fearing and loving) that I pray to always be will faithfully wait on the Lord!

Lord! You promised me that failure, hardship, and whatever in deceptive vanity lineage and all sort of sin entanglement must vanish and be overruled by the supernatural manifestation of your sovereignty which you bestowed onto mankind and has been renewed through Christ my Savior.

Now, not sooner; I let loos my anointing in the spirit, my blessing from your throne, and my spiritual healing.

Lord, I know you have not given me the spirit of fear, but of sound mind to pursue and win the battle of my integrity and identity, that I shall surely be a light to shine and illuminate the darkness, and demonic secrete that may be in everywhere I will be.

In Jesus name - Amen!

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