28/072021 morning
Salt and Light of the World:
Matthew 5:13-15

God has declared a set of people who will restore his created world that has been destroyed by the act of wrong choice.

Whatsoever every food without salt is tasteless, salt can also be used for preservation, disinfection, sinking of overfilled fesses pit. Jesus instructs to preserve moral purity wherever we go, by this we prevent moral decay.

Wherever the Christian exist he to sink down characters filled like fesses pit, because the world is full of ill-natured attitude, we must differentiate between evil and godliness.

Christian has to prove himself by reflecting a salt-like attitude. Refuse to stand for depression and degrading of fellow man or neighbors. Jesus expect you to be clothed when others are madly naked in the street.

Our lives has to reflect peace and unity though the world go after disunity and deceit. We can only give what we have and not we do not have. A thief can not discourage his fellow thief from stealing. 

We have to enhance lives by our lifestyle not to debase the lives of others around us. High school students who are not rooted becomes hypocrites by acting godly at home and possessing ungodliness abroad.

When man is in the dark people can easily dash their feet on a stone. Our Ligh should so shine to illuminate the darkness of sin in this world, Ligh your light expose the evil in your neighborhood. 

To stand as a Ligh your path has to be according to thus says the Lord. People whose darkness are of social disorder, to such your light can restore sanity to the heart. 

No matter how small the Ligh could be it will direct a people from darkness to a specified direction. The sway person can be directed to Christ through your little light. 

Refuse to be a stumbling block for others, people must not reference you as one for whose sake they can not come to the Church of God, rather it should be that people should be willing to come to God for your sake.

The dark side of the world has become a free zone for the majority because "it doesn't matter syndrome" has become the other of the day. Are strongly relying in adultery or fornication? 

If you are leader and closing the door to light, have the act of betrayer and unjustly representing the people. Kindly turn a good live. Are a salt-like person or proving negativity even at home. 

If your are an advisor on evil, you are a darkness. Call a spade a spade to receive the grace of God abundantly. Christ advised us to be a catalyst amidst evil people, by rejecting the immoral saying "if you cannot beat them, you join them".

Do not let your spouse or relatives become your darkness. Love begins at home. Our children who are not going according to thus says the Lord. Children smoke, daughters being taking away from home by their fornication partner, would you pluck the peg in your eyes before see another's.

As light your ways will bring people from darkness. Every step we take are being watched by many eyes even that of the Angels and man.

During Election, people sell their right and receives juju oath in the cause, by this their integrity is lost and the dignity of the people they represent is lost for a penny. 

A child of God must not contribute to moral decay in the community, let his light push darkness away. We must not block or hamper the success of others. By your fruit you can be distinguished from being a child of God of a tool in the devil's workshop.

May your light shine from your house which is the center of attraction, which is the beginning of the community and the church.

You still have the opportunity to change, and be strengthened by Spirit of living God.

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