Attention to all Egi Citizen


2. WHY?


📢 I decreed

I am dVb, I do not trouble trouble until it troubles me. Believe me or don't, I have been giving authority to bind on earth and have it the same in heaven.

All Egi indigen from age 18 above both male and female to earn $20 monthly from TOTAL E&P (driller and processor of natural gas in our clan)


I was insulted, molested by the hopeless management and community relations department of the said Establishment especially with the cultic traping circle they relied on. Answer to the how is the fact that the life of Obite Citizens who pray and seek civil rights had been at stake and threatened, many had survived by the grace of God and leading of the gods of the land while may be dead as a result of brotherly betrayal.

Therefore, the people now, has to meet there daily small financial needs from the pocket of the said Establishment, because, a god has been awakened by the self wisdom of the said department by implicating there selves by plotting evil against "the one in white-me" and "the like-me" we(dVb, the one in white-god, and God through the Church) therefore, this insulted Ogba Trinity in Obite Town earns $600 weekly to appease the gods. However, if it is only for Obite Citizens, I hope no envy?

Where do we go from here:

If a brother or relative is involved in the wrong way (anti-goodness of Egi and Ogba Land at large) forgive the gods in advance. Ogba kingdom has to be great again until the return of Christ.

I pray to be part of and enjoy this greatness, how about you?

Let us start now. I had delivered this message to them-the said Establishment (TOTAL) over three months ago through their informer and informed my family contact man 2021. They consulted the gods and promised to commence effective positive response to appease the gods and the people including God through the Church, from second week January 2022. 

Be'ar`, the gods are wise and long suffering, and the most High God is omi-Everything.

Further Claus:

In stead of the head men in this sect to go back and reason way forward they decided to send my relatives to commit suicide by becoming traitors of their selves. I assure them that are helping God  reveal the through nature of this ones that I once regarded as relatives, that their shall come a time when they will suffer worst than what they put my brothers into. 

Devilish Nigerians are telling their France superiors that they can handle this matter. My response is these once here in Nigeria cannnot handle this matter by implicating there cherish and loved once. 

A`li Obite is small but mighty because we are apple of God's eye. 

Appease our godly Land and its inhabitants to save yourself and your loved ones before it is too late.

It is not the desire of God that one man should perish...

1. Only TOTAL consultants from France can handle the matter Between Obite Community and Total Nig. LTD.

And only dVb shall direct settlement strategies. Kindly check our contact details via contact us page.

Don't contact us for this matter if you are not a Citizen of France.

Be Warned!

2. Who started the the just cleansed bloody brotherly murders in Egi Clan? You may answer Politicians, the big men in town, the bad boys in town! But non of the above is the answer. The strangers in our midst started it all.

Answer to the how is fact that in order to destroy our fast growing urbanization they inflicted trouble in the heart and mind of my people, they began to hate their selves, the initiated elites entangled their loyalists, you must belong became the watchword before you become recognized contractor, get a business capital. Until last year that the one in white-me was awakened, OSPAC cleared the pathway and will still be here.

The time to gather what was scattered in Ogba Land is now (the restoration and transformation for which I was born).

3. Imagine the fact that no other seaport is functional except in Yoruba land, Yoruba People had become top controller of Total in our region by making making sacrificial lambs out of the supposed elites amidst my People, such that after few years my People are fed to their gods by making them believe that being wealthy begins by joining their gods club hence receiving a handsome reward in cash as initiation gift (funny enough, money made from our land).

The government purse is refilled from crude and gas here, ask yourself should strangers from a distance land though within the country makes it compulsory upon you to join his cult, initiates you to whoredom, blank your mind and refill it with his desires to make you fool yourself by manipulating you to attempt to betray your brother  whom he has discovered to bring your redemption?

Jah man - dVb is here for real, my father was a soldier during the Nigerian arsenal civil war, now in this spiritual warfare I am restorer and transformer, Ogba Land has to be greater always beginning from the end of this month (January, 2022).

4.The supposed human-like-bird flu shall begin with Nigeria's who's interest is to enslave my people (Ogba people who get themselves initiated and entangled by slavery  hoods in the name of money making, whereas it is still the  money they gathered from our crude and natural gas wells and plants.

5. It may not be too much if the payment extend to our Nwa'ada. Not to worry, for attempting further trial to insult me. My  Children (6 boys so far) shall earn $600 weekly as well, beginning from their age 18.


If you continue to allow greedy Nigerians try to prevent the fulfillment of my Decree, then I shall continue to add to the conditions, which shall surely come to pass. 

Who can describe how bird flu attacks?

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