Darkness again lay over the earth; it triumphantly overshadowed mankind and barred the way to the Spiritual Kingdom. The Divine Light had left men. The body that had served it as a physical vessel hung bleeding and mangled on the Cross. It had been sacrificed as a protest by those to whom he had come with the purpose of bringing them happiness and peace divine.

On the summit of the whole universe, near to God Almighty, resplendent in the glorious rays issuing from His presence, stands the Castle of the Holy Grail, the Temple of Light. Great grief and deep mourning reigned here at the spectacle of the erring human spirits down below, who had rejected the truth because they imagined they knew better. In blind devilish animosity they let themselves be driven to commit the terrible crime which brought a sinister curse down on the whole world, the weight of which made them all the more prejudiced and shortsighted.

This saddened and perplexed a thoughtful youth who was looking on at this terrible sight from the Castle. He was the future Son of Man. He was at that time undergoing the training necessary for the mission for which he was to be well and fully equipped — a training that had been in process for thousands of years, for he was to descend to those regions where thanks to man's perversity darkness reigned.

A gentle hand was then laid on the dreamer's shoulder, the hand of the Queen, the prototype of ideal Womanhood, and a sad and loving voice spoke these words: «Let the impression of what you see, sink down deeply into your heart, my Son, for that is your future field of battle, when the hour of fulfillment comes. At the request of the murdered Saviour, God the Father in His mercy will allow you to proclaim the Truth, His Word, once more to save those who will listen to it before the Day of Judgment comes.»



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He who reads these words aright will see what condemnation they express for those who disregard this first and foremost commandment! «Thou shalt have none other gods!» These words are generally taken to mean much less than they really do. Man has made his task easy by restricting their meaning to a narrow field. In the first place his idea of idolatry is worshippers kneeling before a row of wooden figures, each of which represents a particular god, or he thinks of demon-worship and other forms of worship of analogous nature. But it never occurs to him to connect the idea with himself. Look at yourselves and consider whether, peradventure, you do not belong to these!

One man has a child which is more precious to him than all else, for which he is prepared to make any sacrifice and for whose sake he forgets all besides.

Another prizes the pleasures of this world so highly that though he be a well-intentioned man, he would be incapable (as long as he was a free agent) of renouncing his pleasures even if he were requested to do so.

A third again loves his money — a fourth power — a fifth a woman, others again distinction — yet, in them all, it is the love of self that really predominates.

All this is idol-worship in the truest sense of the word!

The first commandment warns men from falling into this sin. And woe unto him who does not literally obey it! The punishment for disobedience is the coupling of the soul to the body when it goes over into the world of ethereal matter.


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