We believe that the divinity of God was enshrined in man at the point of breathing the breath of life, the divine cord that linked man direct to God was lost at the moment of disobedience of man to God even by Adam not Eve, and that all that was lost to Lucifer has been bought back automatically by repentance through Christ. A repentant soul has all right to all positivity in as much as Christ lives in him. We are divine through Christ our Lord and personal saviour. 

We believe that there shall be an advent of Christ – Second coming or return of Christ to this our world, reap his field. A field of souls amidst tars and turns, the Lord knows his sheep and they hear him when he calls. 

We work and walk out ways and possibility to preach the gospel message of Christ in recognition and acknowledgement of the boundaries that differentiate us people and presenting LOVE as an uttermost virtue that stands ticker than blood. KNOWING ME, KNOWING YOU, TO THE GLORY OF GOD. NOT TO MOCK THE DEATH OF CHRIST ON THE CROSS.

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