Christi-Tradi Religion Introduced


Christi-Tradi Religion



At first as believed by mankind, God made man and gave him the right to decide and chose for him self in and for his livelihood. Therefore, our choices becomes a destination. However, there are only two destinations which are 1; being earth bound and two being heaven bound. Nonetheless, heaven is for beings which have no body made of dust or sand, whereas earth is the horizon of human made of the dust of the earth.

The Holy Bible is referenced by many people, but acknowledge by few persons. It is now a lot of decades numbered from when the gospel of God through Christ was introduced to Africa.

I am Human here in Africa born of African and has procreated another African. I have studied the Bible, and found the truth about earth. Africa being my home land has been the ground on which I walk and on which my ancestors walked. We know who we are and the purpose for which we exist. Many may not know, why they exist, still few are very well aware. Existing as an African makes me very different from an European or other Continent but does not differentiate us as human. Our different cultures separates us from each other, still, common goal brings us together, whereas religion unites us as one people amidst diversity of mind-set, whether left or right one God made us man and woman.

Today, Jehovah calls out to let us know that we were lost and now that his son has died in the cross of Calvary, betrayed by his earthly brothers, sentenced to death by his brothers, scourged, by strangers, mocked by his brothers, after being envied by his brothers and desired by strangers, he bled and died to tag me overcomer.

We knew Jehovah without the gospel being preached in Africa, few of all our customs were ungodly beginning from an era within which Some of our then sons hinged their allegiance to oracles that flared purity for hostile, pragmatic, and intimidating powers. Only few were able to withstand the shedding of human blood as offer of sacrifice and retain there valour. Some African Oracle changed to join the erroneous options of Lucifer and did evil thereby could not turnaround to be good. Kings lost there throne, fathers got separated from there beloved sons and strangers whom were within took hold on to their desires, and became owners, and reaped where they did not sow, unknown to them that it would be temporal.

A true African is a man of pure heart, for that reason he shall see Jehovah (Chi-Ukwu). His Oracles units him to Jehovah, because they are godly, they may accept animal sacrifice, even without blood shed, the do honour  and reverence Jehovah. There would be object of symbolism and Identity of place of worship, which is referred to as shrine, still Jehovah answered our ancestors from there, and walked the earth with them from there.

Today I acknowledge my heritage with pure heart, and clean hands—meaning, my sins are washed away on the cross of Calvary, hence I hold up the sceptre and mantle of leadership as human made to dominate the earth, and to sit on my stool wherever I go. Everyone has a duty which can not be another’s.

A time comes when duty is duty.    


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